Ravi Kumar
Strategies of Teaching Mathematics B.Ed Notes
The main aim of mathematics education in schools is the mathsmatisation of the child’s thought processes. In the words of ...
Aims in Teaching Mathematics B.Ed Notes
Develop a good understanding of numbers and the number system 1. Maximising their counting ability. 2. Achieving a sound grasp ...
Need and Importance of Objective-Based Teaching of Mathematics
Teaching is a career that guides the thoughts of the next generation and training the students. to think clearly. It ...
Values of Mathematics B.Ed Notes
Mathematics has got many educational values which determine the need of teaching the subject in schools. These values can be ...
Mathematics and its Relationship with other Subjects B.Ed Notes
Mathematics with artsThe arts and mathematics involve students understanding of relationships between time and space, rhythm and line through the ...
Nature and Characteristics of Mathematics B.Ed Notes | Mathematics Pedagogy B.Ed Notes
A Concise Overview of Mathematics Through the Ages The journey of mathematics begins with the simple act of counting. However, ...
Meaning and Definition of Mathematics | Mathematics Pedagogy B.Ed Notes
DEFINITION OF MATHEMATICS The term “mathematics” has been defined in various ways throughout history. The Oxford English Dictionary from 1933 ...
Olympic Movements B.Ed Notes
Olympic Games: Olympic Games is an international sports event in which intercontinental and international competitors participate in the sports competitions. ...

Meaning, Definitions and Components of Physical Fitness B.Ed Notes
Physical fitness implies abilities such as that of resisting fatigue, performing with an acceptable degree of motor ability and being ...

Importance of Physical Education B.Ed Notes
Importance of Physical Education: Physical education plays a crucial role in the holistic development of individuals. Here are some key ...