Scope of Physical Education B.Ed Notes

Published by: Ravi Kumar
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Physical Education as an integral part of general educa- through activity oriented and well planned programmes they organize different physical activities like drill and marching etc which are directed towards physical, mental emotional, social, intellectual and moral development of the child. The following are the scope of physical education.

1. Corrective Exercises: Corrective exercises help to remove the deformities in the body of a child. Sometimes these defects are there because of defects in muscle development and for the we use light corrective exercises

2. Games and Sports: various team games like hockey foot ball, cricket basketball and volley ball etc and individual events like athletics, wrestling, boxing judo and archy are included in the programmers of physical education. Swimming, diving, canoeing etc are related to water sports.

3. Rhythmics: Gymamstics, Leziums Dance, mass physical training and Dumb bell etc. are rhythmical activities necessary for rhythm and balance. Rhythmical activities are also included in the programmes of physical education.

4. Self defense activities: Hiking, Trekking, Judo, karate and self defense activities are included in the programmes of physical education.

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5. Recreational activities: Recreational activities like minor games, chess, carom, horse riding, education campus, hunting, folk dance, fishing etc are included in the programems of physical education.

6. Yogic activities: Yogic activities such as Asana Pranayama Kiryas etc are included in Physical education.

On the basis of the above mentioned facts, the following activites can be included in a programme of physical education India:

1. Free hand exercises

2. Exercises with apparatus

3. Major games

4. Minor games

5. Gymnastics

6. Track and field events

7. Folk dances

8. Yoga

9. Rhythmics

10. Combatives

11. Swimming and diving

12. Hiking trekking comping etc

13. Pyramids

14. Dands and baithaks

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