Language Across the Curriculum B.Ed Notes

B.Ed Study Notes by Sarkari Diary

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At Sarkari Diary, we are committed to providing comprehensive B.Ed Notes on Language Across the Curriculum. Explore our website to access detailed notes, lesson plans, and resources to enhance your understanding of this important educational concept.

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Language Across the Curriculum B.Ed Notes

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Importance of language teaching
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General aims of language teaching)
कौशलों की समझ और प्रयोग
understanding of skills and applications
 Learning: Meaning, Definition and PrinciplesOPEN
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1Nature of language Tule governed system and language
 Relationship of language and society : identity, power and discrimination
 Nature of multilingualism : differential status of Indian language classroom
 Critiquing state polices on language and education
2Language acquisition and development Language acquisition and language learning
 Development of the four language skills : the synergistic relationship
 Developing reading and writing skills in children
 Emergent literacy : readiness for learning
 Early literacy : process of transition
 Early language education : focus on learning in primary and grades
 Children’s background and school experience preparing schools for children the
social diversity paradigm
3Language across the curriculum Function of language : In the classroom , Outside the classroom
 Language in education and curriculum
 Learning language and learning through language
4The classroom practice and possibilities Perspectives on recording and writing
 Prevalent language teaching practices and approaches and their critique
 Connection between classroom instruction and theories
 Role of literature in language learning
5Language Teaching Skills1. Aspects of linguistic system: Language as a rule governed behaviour and linguistic

2. Linguistic System: The organisation of sounds; The structure of sentences; the concept of universal grammar; nature and structure of meaning; basic concept in phonology, syntax and semantics; Speech and Writing; Discourse.

3.Grammar in Context: Vocabulary in context:
 Acquisition of Language Skills: Listening, speaking, reading and writing.
 Listening and speaking: sub skills of listening and speaking: Tasks: skills: Storytelling, dialogues, situational conversations, role plays, simulations, speech, games and contexts, language laboratories, pictures, authentic materials, and multimedia resources.
 Reading: sub skill of reading: importance of development of reading reading: study
skills, including using thesauruses, dictionary, encyclopaedia, etc.
 Writing: sub skills of writing; process of writing; formal and informal writing, such as poetry, short story, letter, diary, notices, articles, reports, dialogue, speech, advertisement, etc. reference skills; study skills; Higher order skills.

4. Understanding of Skills
5. Application of skills

Language Across the Curriculum B.Ed Notes by Sarkari Diary Website

Language Across the Curriculum (LAC) is a pedagogical approach that emphasizes the importance of language in all subject areas. It recognizes that language is essential for learning, thinking, and communicating, and that students need to be able to use language effectively in order to succeed in school and in life.

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