Childhood and Growing up B.Ed Notes in English

Fundamentals of Growth & Development B.Ed Notes
Fundamentals of Growth & Development: Growth and development are essential processes that shape every living organism. While closely connected, the ...

Piaget’s Theory of Moral Development B.Ed Notes
Piaget’s Theory of Moral Development: The theory consists of two stages: heteronomous morality and autonomous morality. Heteronomous morality is characterized ...

Freud Theory of Psycho Sexual Development B.Ed Notes
Psychoanalysis is a system or school of psychology that was the brainchild of the Viennese physician Sigmund Freud (1856 – ...

Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Development B.Ed Notes
Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Development: Lawrence Kohlberg, a psychologist associated with Harvard University, is known for putting forward the theory ...

Erikson’s Stages of Psychosocial Development B.Ed Notes
Erikson’s Stages of Psychosocial Development: The famous psychoanalyst Erik Erikson is considered to have developed the theory of psychosocial development ...

Gestalt Theory B.Ed Notes
Gestalt Theory: Cognitive psychologists tried to view learning as a more deliberate and conscious effect of the individual rather than ...

Operant Conditioning (Skinner) B.Ed Notes
Operant Conditioning (Skinner): This type of conditioning was first investigated by B.F. Skinner did it. Skinner studied the phenomenon of ...

Classical Conditioning (Ivan Pavlov) B.Ed Notes
Classical Conditioning (Ivan Pavlov): This type of learning was first investigated by Ivan P. Pavlov. His interest was mainly in ...

Thorndike’s Contribution in the Field of Learning B.Ed Notes
Thorndike’s Contribution in the Field of Learning: Thorndike’s principle of trial and error holds great importance in the field of ...

Thorndike’s Laws of Learning B.Ed Notes
Thorndike’s Laws of Learning: Thorndike propounded the following laws of learning based on his theoretical assumption about the learning process. ...