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Urban Administration

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Municipal Corporation in India

• The urban local government which works for the development of any Metropolitan City with a population of more than one million is known as the Municipal Corporation in India. The members of the Municipal Corporation are directly elected by the people and are called Councillors.

Functions of the Municipal Corporation

• Urban planning including town planning.
• Regulation of land-use and construction of buildings.
• Planning for economic and social development
• Water supply for domestic, industrial and commercial purposes.
• Public health, sanitation conservancy, and solid waste management.
• Fire services.
• Urban forestry, protection of the environment and promotion of ecological aspects.
• Safeguarding the interests of weaker sections of society, including the handicapped and mentally
• Slum improvement and up-gradation.
• Urban poverty alleviation.

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The Ward Counselor and Administrative Staff

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• Most of the municipal councilors decide where the hospital or park will be built.
• The city is divided into different wards and a councilor is elected from each ward.
• Some councilors together form committees which take decisions after discussing various issues.
• Improvement of bus stand or cleaning of drain etc.
• When there is a problem inside a ward, the people of the ward can contact the councillor. For example, if the electric wires come down by hanging, then the local councilor can take help from the officials of the electricity department.
• Where councilors’ committees and councilors work to take decisions on various issues.

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• At the same time, the work of implementing them is done by the Commissioner (Commissioner) and administrative staff.
• The commissioner and administrative staff are appointed by the government while the councilors are elected.
• The councilors of all the wards meet and a budget is prepared from everyone’s opinion.
• The money is spent according to the same budget.
• The councilors try to put the specific needs of the ward before the council.
• These decisions are then made by the staff of the council.
• In the city, the work is divided into different departments like water department, waste collection department, gardens, road system department etc.

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How does the Municipal Corporation get its money?

• Comes from tax such as tax on house or property (25-30%), from cinema, hotel owner etc.

A Community Protest
People protest if the garbage is not cleaned. People go to the commissioner with the help of the councilor and the problem is solved there.


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