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Microsoft Word Keyboard Shortcuts

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Microsoft Word is packed with keyboard shortcuts to help you perform a wide range of tasks efficiently. Here\’s a list of some commonly used keyboard shortcuts in Microsoft Word:

File Operations:
  1. Ctrl + N: Create a new document.
  2. Ctrl + O: Open an existing document.
  3. Ctrl + S: Save the active document.
  4. F12: Save As (opens the Save As dialog).
  5. Ctrl + W: Close the active document.
  6. Ctrl + F4: Close the active window or document.
  7. Ctrl + P: Print the active document.
  8. Ctrl + Z: Undo the last action.
  9. Ctrl + Y: Redo the last action.
Editing and Navigation:
  1. Ctrl + X: Cut selected text or object.
  2. Ctrl + C: Copy selected text or object.
  3. Ctrl + V: Paste cut or copied text or object.
  4. Ctrl + A: Select all content in the document.
  5. Ctrl + F: Open the Find dialog.
  6. Ctrl + H: Open the Replace dialog.
  7. F3: Insert a building block (Quick Parts).
  8. Ctrl + Left/Right Arrow: Move one word to the left or right.
  9. Ctrl + Up/Down Arrow: Move to the beginning or end of a paragraph.
  10. Ctrl + Home: Go to the start of the document.
  11. Ctrl + End: Go to the end of the document.
  12. Ctrl + G: Go to a specific page, section, or line.
  13. Ctrl + Backspace: Delete one word to the left.
  14. Ctrl + Delete: Delete one word to the right.
  15. Ctrl + Space: Remove formatting from selected text.
  16. Shift + F3: Change text case (toggle between uppercase, lowercase, and title case).
  17. Ctrl + [: Decrease font size.
  18. Ctrl + ]: Increase font size.
  19. Ctrl + E: Center-align text.
  20. Ctrl + L: Left-align text.
  21. Ctrl + R: Right-align text.
  22. Ctrl + J: Justify text.
  23. Ctrl + 1/2/5: Set single, double, or 1.5 line spacing.
  24. Ctrl + F5: Return to the previous location.
  25. Ctrl + W: Close the active document window.
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  1. Ctrl + B: Bold selected text.
  2. Ctrl + I: Italicize selected text.
  3. Ctrl + U: Underline selected text.
  4. Ctrl + D: Open the Font dialog.
  5. Ctrl + [: Decrease font size.
  6. Ctrl + ]: Increase font size.
  7. Ctrl + =: Subscript.
  8. Ctrl + Shift + +: Superscript.
  9. Ctrl + M: Indent the paragraph.
  10. Ctrl + Shift + M: Remove paragraph indentation.
  11. Ctrl + Shift + C: Copy formatting from selected text.
  12. Ctrl + Shift + V: Paste copied formatting.
Table Operations:
  1. Tab: Move to the next cell in a table.
  2. Shift + Tab: Move to the previous cell in a table.
  3. Alt + Arrow Keys: Move around in a table.
  4. Ctrl + Space: Select a column in a table.
  5. Shift + Space: Select a row in a table.

These are just a selection of the many keyboard shortcuts available in Microsoft Word. The specific shortcuts you use may depend on your version of Word and your personal preferences. Keyboard shortcuts can significantly improve your productivity when working with Word documents.

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